Neighbourhood Watch

My Community Alert

Do you want to find out what is happening in your local area?

As you may be aware Humberside Police launched a new alert system that enables residents, businesses and community groups to find out about what is happening in their local area .

The new system, called My Community Alert, allows you to register to receive real time messages about incidents happening in your neighbourhood that may affect you or your family.

Choose how you would like to receive messages - by text, voicemail or email - how often you would like to receive alerts and about the issues that matter to you, from collisions and road closures to missing people.

Find out more by visiting the My Community Alert website why you can watch a short video and sign up to start receiving alerts. The link is


The Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator has recently resigned.

For the time being the Parish Council clerk will be acting as a contact for Neighbourhood Watch information.

If you would be interested in taking on the role of co-ordinator please let the Parish Council know By contacting the clerk or any of the councillors or using the "contact us" link. 

If you would like to know about crime in the local area visit and use the Find Your Neighbourhood link

Bulletins from Humberside Police can be see below:

December 2020





Update on the non-emergency number. Aug 18

 Please see below some information regarding call demands on Humberside Police.
Humberside Police have refreshed their on line reporting system to be more user friendly
There is a recruitment drive for staff in the hub to support in peak demand times which are 0900-1600 for non-emergency crime calls and 1600-0000 for non-emergency incidents. There will also be a change in the shift pattern in the new year to double the amount of time demand is matched by call takers.
Just a reminder that when you call 101 you will be charged 15p per call as a flat rate. This goes to the company providing the phone system not Humberside Police. You will speak to a Switchboard Operator who will ask you some questions to assess Threat, Harm and Risk and who is the best person for you to speak to crime, incident or someone else. Remember also that 101 is the only public number for Humberside Police and as such a range of calls come through not just crime and incident calls so this ensures the queues remain as short as possible.
During July 2018 there were 55,300 calls in total, 87% of non-emergency calls were answered first time.

  • 999 call demand was up 7% on the same month in 2017
  • Non-emergency incidents calls were down 12% on the previous July with 81% of the calls answered after switchboard in 30 seconds or less.
  • Non-emergency crime calls were up 27% on the previous July with 55% of the calls answered after switchboard in 30 seconds or less.

Proportionally on average 50% of calls are non-emergency incident,  28% are 999 calls and 22% are non-emergency crime.
There has been a new approach recently rolled out to reduce the time taken per call on the non-emergency calls. Where it is not a call suitable for the police to deal with, the caller will be informed of the correct agency to contact, why it is not a Police matter and the call closed. This has already started to reduce call times and has resulted in a 2.5 minute reduction in average call length. This reduction in call length has immediately resulted in more calls for service being answered. Further improvement plans and initiatives are underway to improve the service offered to non-emergency contacts." 


July 2018

New Police Communications System:  MY COMMUNITY ALERT


“Humberside Police have launched a new communication system that enables residents, businesses and community groups to find out what is happening in their local area.

 The new system, called My Community Alert, allows you to register and receive real time messages about incidents happening in your neighbourhood that may affect you and your neighbours.

 Choose how you would like to receive messages - by text, voicemail or email – and how often you would like to receive alerts.

For more details go to the  Humberside Police Website or contact your local Community Policing Team”

Information provided by East Riding Safeguarding Children Board - Together We Can Tackle Child Abuse


“We all have a role to play in protecting children and young people from child abuse and neglect. But right now, some people do not report their concerns because they’re not certain of the signs, don’t know where to report, or are worried about being wrong. This means that East Riding Council could be missing out on vital information they need to keep children safe from harm. The following links provide more information about signs to spot and how to report, so that children and young people at risk get the help they need more quickly:

Together We Can Tackle Child Abuse Dept of Education Campaign Worried about a young person? Call 01482 395500

•All children have a right to be safe and should be protected from all forms of abuse and neglect.

•Anything you notice can help a child at risk. We all have a role to play in protecting children and young people from child abuse and neglect.

•Last year nearly 400,000 children in England were supported because someone noticed they needed help.

•To help protect a child or young person look out for changes in their Appearance, Behaviour and Communication (A B C).

•It’s up to all of us to keep children safe. Many people do not act because they’re worried about being wrong. You don’t have to be absolutely certain; if you’re concerned a child is being abused, their safety is at risk and/or you genuinely believe or strongly suspect there is drug use at a property at which a child resides, speak to someone.

•Information is gathered from many sources, and your report forms part of a bigger picture. Reporting your concerns could provide the missing piece of information that is needed to keep a child safe.

If you think it, report it.”


“Any allegations should be forwarded to EHaSH  (Early Help and Safeguarding Hub)

Call 01482 395500”

Sent from PCCs Engagement Officer, Debbie Fagan – Community Recovery Officers

“Community Recovery Officers go out into the community after an incident and gather information from residents providing a face and a point of contact for people to interact with the Council.

CROs may be asked to door knock or to hand out information to people at community events/meetings. It may just be a case of being present in and around an area. It really depends on the incident and what the Recovery Manager is requesting.

For more details contact Rebecca Johns-Bielby

Emergency Planning Officer Humber Emergency Planning Service HF12 County Hall Beverley HU17 9BA

Tel: 01482 393058”

Sent from PCCs Engagement Officer Debbie  - Shredder Scheme

 “You may or may not already have heard about the Shredder scheme in North East Lincs.  The NHW lead has been awarded funding from their Crime Reduction Fund for the purchase of 2 Industrial ‘cross cutting’ Shredders which are placed in accessible buildings in North East Lincs for the Public to use to safely dispose of confidential papers such as old bank statements etc. thereby reducing the risk of fraud etc. The paper can then be recycled.

If you would like more information on the shredder scheme please contact Maureen Yates.”

Sent from - Humberside Police and The Police and Crime Commissioner’s Office - CRIMESTOPPERS

If you do not have direct contact with your local police community officers and you have information of criminal activity that you would like to share anonymously then please use crime stoppers 0800 555 111


You are always advised not to click on links or to give personal information in response to emails or cold callers. Here are a few recent scams that have come through from NHW Coordinators.

“A resident has just received an automated phone call from their ‘ service provider’ saying that their computer’s IPS address has been compromised. There is then a menu of numbers to press to be connected to resolve the problem. This is obviously a scam and to be ignored as KCom wouldn’t use such a method. Can you send out a warning to tell everyone to ignore, please”

“There is an email circulating supposedly from Santander, alerting people that a password has been input more than three times. There is a link on the email to click, which presumably will then lead to a page requesting your details be entered. The email is clearly not legitimate. The spelling and grammar is not that of what you would expect from Santander! The graphics are, however quite convincing and if you were to just glance at it, the reader may be fooled into clicking the link!  This has been reported to Santander.”

NOTE: The new Police Alert System also sends useful information and scam warnings that come directly from Action Fraud so if you would like to link up then use the information in the earlier part of this newsletter”

“Today we have received 3 phone calls, purportedly from BT, informing us that there is a problem with our internet connection, and advising us to press 1, for this, or 2 for that etc. The calls were all from an English landline, all different numbers, and were a recorded message by a female with an American accent.

We reported this to BT who said they would look into it.

We just wanted to remind others to be wary of strange phone calls asking us to press numbers. It is particularly ironic that they should target households in this area, to whom BT telephones are not available”

And finally…Crime Prevention Shop

A reminder that Hull Neighbourhood Networks have an on line shop where you can buy all sorts of crime prevention items.

Here’s the link

There are a number of items available including card protectors which will stop fraud by blocking access to the magnetic strip on your card which if accessed can result in your card details being duplicated.

we sell them at a £1.00 each!

The coupon code is ERMEMBER so that the groups in the East Riding can get the discount. Just add the coupon code when prompted and the discount will be taken off,

The current discount is £1.00 per item and currently £5.00 off the cycle lock. We have set up postage with Hermes but they can offer collection from their base at Zeal’s Garth Hull free of charge.


Maureen Yates Community and Crime Reduction Resilience Officer

Housing and Public Protection, East Riding of Yorkshire Council, County Hall, Cross Street, Beverley

HU17 9BA

East Riding Neighbourhood Watch Bulletins

July 18

To read previous Hayton and Burnby Neighbourhood Watch bulletins click on the following links

2016                           2017                   2018

Bulletin 1                    Bulletin 1            March 18

Bulletin 2                    Bulletin 2             May 18

Bulletin 3                    Bulletin 3             May 18 (3)

Bulletin 4                    Bulletin 4 

Bulletin 5                    Bulletin 5

Bulletin 6                    Bulletin 6

Bulletin 7                    Bulletin 7

Bulletin 8                    Bulletin 9

Bulletin 9

Bulletin 10

Bulletin 11

Bulletin 12

Healthy Homes Information 

Notice explaining the nature of current scams and how to avoid falling victim to them

New Legislation about Legal Highs may 16